At Shop CBD Kansas, we strive to maintain the highest editorial standards and provide accurate, reliable, and informative content to our readers. We value your feedback and take complaints regarding our editorial content seriously. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our commitment to addressing and resolving any concerns or complaints related to our published content.


The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear process for lodging complaints about the editorial content published on Shop CBD Kansas. We aim to handle complaints promptly, fairly, and in accordance with applicable laws and industry standards.


This policy applies to complaints regarding editorial content published on the Shop CBD Kansas website, including articles, features, reviews, and any other written material.

Complaint Submission:

Complaints must be submitted in writing and include the following information:

a. Name and contact information of the complainant b. Date of publication and title of the content in question c. Specific details of the complaint, including the section or paragraph in question d. Supporting evidence, if available (e.g., screenshots, URLs)

Complaints can be submitted via email to [Complaints Email] or through our designated complaint form on the Shop CBD Kansas website.

Complaint Review:

Upon receipt of a complaint, our editorial team will review the content in question and the nature of the complaint. We will conduct a thorough investigation, considering all relevant facts and evidence. Our aim is to resolve complaints promptly and fairly.

Complaint Resolution:

a. Where the complaint is deemed valid and substantiated, we will take appropriate corrective action. This may include:

  • Retraction, correction, or amendment of the content
  • Addition of an explanatory note or clarification
  • Apology or acknowledgment of error

b. If the complaint is not substantiated, we will provide a clear explanation of our findings to the complainant.

c. We will make every effort to resolve complaints within a reasonable timeframe. However, the complexity of certain complaints or the need for further investigation may extend the resolution process.


We treat all complaints and related correspondence with strict confidentiality. Personal information provided during the complaint process will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Right of Appeal:

If a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they may request a review by our senior editorial team. The decision of the senior editorial team will be final and binding.

External Resolution:

If a complainant remains dissatisfied after exhausting our internal complaints process, they may refer their complaint to the relevant regulatory or industry bodies.

Policy Review:

This Editorial Complaints Policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with applicable laws and industry standards. Any updates will be published on the Shop CBD Kansas website.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or wish to lodge a complaint, please contact us at [email protected] or use the designated complaint form on the Shop CBD Kansas website.

We are committed to addressing and resolving editorial complaints in a fair, transparent, and timely manner. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to uphold the highest standards of editorial integrity.